Shofar Trainer 1-2-3
Blowing Shofar is a skill many would like to learn. Now we have Technology that will help you become proficient in both the Laws and Customs as well as the technical aspects of Shofar Blowing.
Shofar Trainer 1-2-3 will permit you to "Learn How to Blow" and give you the tools to measure and practice Shofar Blowing. The software will measure the sound of your "blast" and grade it. It will also act as a Makri - and call out the sounds to blow - then rate the sound. It will permit you to get the practice needed to blow perfectly on Rosh HaShana. A clear and concise explanation of the Mitzvah of Shofar and how to perform it is included.
The USB contains both, Win/Mac Versions.
Wishing you a Happy, Healthy, Sweet New Year!
To order an EZ Blow Shofar click here
ABOUT: Shofar Trainer 1-2-3 is a professinal software application that will help you become a professional Baal Tokeiah (Shofar Blower).
Shofar Trainer 1-2-3 works just like the name implies - 1-2-3 and you will be blowing!
The software consists of 3 Lessons. With Review and Feedback.
Two stages of practice and recording of your sounds and one that is a Review and Testing Module with feedback. So it's 1-2-3 and you will Blow Shofar like a Pro.
Take a look at the screen shots to appreciate what this program can do for you. This program make Blowing Shofar Easy!
Software Requirement | Windows 7/8/10/11, Mac OSX |