Hebrew & English Prayer Book ClipText for Word
Hebrew & English Prayer Book ClipText for Microsoft Word - Saves Hours of Typing
Hebrew Cliptext of the Payer Book (Siddur) is an essential add-on to Microsoft Word. The beauty of this program is in its simplicity and its seamless integration into English versions of Microsoft Word.
You need to do nothing more than install, and restart your Microsoft Word and the entire Prayer Book will be at your fingertips. Whenever you need a Hebrew or English Translation of a Hebrew Prayer just click on Prayer and the exact text you need will come straight into you document. You can print a full Prayer Book, Hebrew, English or Both.
It is ideal for creating work sheet when studying the meaning of Hebrew Prayers. The combination of BOTH the Hebrew and English make this a must have software application for every Day School and Home Schoolers. This Microsoft add-on is a BIG TIME SAVER and will be something that Teachers and Students will appreciate.
Order your copy today!
Compatible with MS Word 7 and up.
About - Hebrew & English Prayer Book ClipText for Word
Hebrew Cliptext of the Payer Book (Siddur) is an essential add-on to Microsoft Word. The beauty of this program is in its simplicity and its seamless integration into English versions of Microsoft Word.
You need to do nothing more than install, and restart your Microsoft Word and the entire Prayer Book will be at your fingertips. Whenever you need a Hebrew or English Translation of a Hebrew Prayer.
just click on Prayer and the exact text you need will come straight into you document. You can print a full Prayer Book, Hebrew, English or Both. It is ideal for creating work sheet when studying the meaning of Hebrew Prayers. The combination of BOTH the Hebrew and English make this a must have software application for every Day School and
Home Schoolers. This Microsoft add-on is a BIG TIME SAVER and will be something that Teachers and Students will appreciate. Order your copy today!
Features - Hebrew & English Prayer Book ClipText for Word
Morning Prayer
Hashkama, Upon getting up in morning
Tzitzit & Tefilin, Fringes & Phylacteries
Birkot Hashachar, Morning blessings
Korbanot, Temple Service & Sacrifices
Kadish Drabanan, Rabbi s Kadish
Psukei Dezimra, Verses of morning hymns
Chatzi Kadish, Half Kadish
Shema, Hear Israel
Shmoneh Esrei, Eighteen Blessings
Tachnun, Supplications
Chatzi Kadish, Half Kadish
Hotzaat Torah, Bringing out the Torah
Uva Letzion, And will come to Zion
Kadish Shalem, Full Kadish
Hachnasat Torah, Returning of the Torah
Shir Shel Yom, Psalm of the Day
Kadish Yatom, Mourner s Kadish
Ein KeEloheinu, There is no one like our God
Kadish Drabanan , Rabbi s Kadish
Aleinu, Closing Prayer For us
Kadish Yatom, Mourner s Kadish
Ldavid, Psalm 27
Afternoon Prayer
Ashrei, Opening Afternoon Psalm
Chatzi Kadish, Half Kadish
Shmoneh Esrei, Eighteen Blessings
Tachnun, Supplications
Kadish Shalem, Full Kadish
Aleinu, Closing Prayer For us
Kadish Yatom, Mourner s Kadish
Evening Prayer
Shir Hamaalot, Psalm of Ascents
Chatzi Kadish, Half Kadish
Vehu Rachum, And He the compassionate One
Asher Bidvaro, Who with His word
Ahavat Olam, Eternal love
Shema, Hear Israel
Vemuna, And faithful
Hashkiveinu, Lay us down
Baruch Hashem, Blessed is God
Chatzi Kadish, Half Kadish
Shmoneh Esrei, , Eighteen Blessings
Kadish Shalem, Full Kadish
Aleinu, Closing Prayer For us
Kadish Yatom, Mourner s Kadish
Sefirat Haomer, Counting of the omer
Shabbat Eve
Hodu, Thank God
Yedid Nefesh, Beloved of the soul
Kabalat Shabat, Welcoming the Sabbath
Ana Bekoach, Please with the power
Lecha Dodi, Come my beloved
Mizmor Shir, Psalm 92
Kadish Yatom, Mourner s Kadish
Kegavna, As they
Maariv, Evening prayer
Chatzi Kadish, Half Kadish
Amidah, Standing prayer
Mein Sheva, Seven part blessing
Kadish Shalem, Full Kadish
Mizmor Ledavid, Psalm 23
Chatzi Kadish, Half Kadish
Aleinu, Closing Prayer For us
Kadish Yatom, Mourner s Kadish
Shabbat Evening Meal - Zmerot
Shalom Aleichem
Kidush, Kidush
Zemirot, Sabbath meal hymns
Shabbat Morning
Lamnatzeiach Mizmor, Hymns
Shir Lemaalot, Song of ascents
Yehi Kevod, Shall be the glory
Baruch Hashem, Blessed is God
Chatzi Kadish, Half Kadish
Shema, Hear Israel
Amidah, Standing Prayer
Kadish Shalem, Full Kadish
Shir Shel Yom, Daily Hymn
Kadish Yatom, Mourner s Kadish
Torah Reading Shabbat Morning
Hotzaat Sefer Torah, Bringing out the Torah
Birchot Hatorah, Blessings of the Torah
Yekum Purkan, May salvation arise
Birchot Hachodesh, Blessing the new moon
Hachnasat Sefer Torah, Returning the Torah
Chatzi Kadish, Half Kadish
Musaf Shabbat
Musaf, Musaf
Kadish Shalem, Full Kadish
Ein KeEloheinu, There is no one like our God
Kadish Drabanan , Rabbi s Kadish
Aleinu, Closing Prayer For us
Kadish Yatom, Mourner s Kadish
Anim Zemirot, I will sing sweet chants
Shabbat Morning Meal - Zmerot
Kidush, Kidush
Baruch El Elyon, Blessed is God on high
Yom Ze Mechubad, This day is honored
Shabbat Afternoon
Ashrei, Praiseworthy is
Chatzi Kadish, Half Kadish
Mincha, Afternoon prayer
Tzidkatcha, Your righteousness
Kadish Shalem, Full Kadish
Aleinu, Closing Prayer For us
Kadish Yatom, Mourner s Kadish
Third Shabbat Meal - Zmerot
Mizmor Ledavid, Psalm 23
Yedid Nefesh, Beloved of the soul
El Mistateir, God is hiding
End of Shabat
Havdalah, End of Shabbat Prayer
Veyitein Lecha, And will give you
Amar Hashem Leyaakov, God said to Jacob
Eliyahu Hanavi, Elijah the Prophet
Beginning of Month
Hallel, Hallel
Musaf, Musaf
Three Festivals - Holidays
Kidush, Kidush
Amidah, Standing prayer
Musaf, Musaf
Holiday Tabernacles
Sukah & Lulav, Tabernacle & palm tree branches
Ushpizin, Guests
Geshem, Prayers for rain
Hakafot, Hakafot
Sisu Vesimchu, Rejoice and be happy
Holiday Passover
Bedikat Chametz, Looking for leaven
Tal, Prayer for dew
New Year - Rosh HaShana
Kidush, Kidush
Simanim, Symbolic foods
Tashlich, Tashlich
Day of Atonement - Yom Kippur
Kaparot, Kaparot
Vidui, Confession of sins
Holiday Hanukah
Brachot, Blessings
Haneirot Halalu, These candles
Maoz Tzur, Fortress of strength
Holiday Purim
Brachot, Blessings
Harav, Who contends
Shoshanat Yaakov, The rose of Jacob
Blessing After Meals
Al Naharot, By rivers
Shir Hamaalot. Song of ascents
Hazan, Who feeds
Nodeh, We will thank
Racheim, Have compassion
Hael Avinu, The God our Father
Harachaman, The compassionate One
Yiru, Shall fear
Shema at Bedtime
Ribono Shel Olam, Master of the world
Hamapil, Who makes fall
Shema, Hear Israel
Viyehi Noam, And may the sweetness
Hashkiveinu, Lay us down
Hamalach, The angel
Adon Olam, Master of the world
Blessings and Prayers
Mitzvot, Blessings on Mitzvot
Nehenin, Blessings on enjoyments
Mikrim, Blessings for occurrences
Nisuin, Blessings for marriage
Brit, Blessings for circumcision
Pidyon Haben, Blessings for redemption of the first born
Tfilat Haderech, Traveler s prayer
Kidush Levana, Sanctification of the moon
Software Requirement | Windows 7/8/10/11 |