Hebrew English Text Utility on USB TES Text Utility is like a Swiss Army Knife for Publishing – it does so much you don’t know where to start. For example a Text Utility can open Old Files that were created years ago with programs such as Qtext, Einstein and Sapir which in their day were the most popular Hebrew English Word processors. If you own such precious old files then this Text Utility is exactly what you need. It will open and save your file for use in Word and other popular programs such as Davkawriter or Microsoft Word.
TES Text Utility is like a Swiss Army Knife for Publishing – it does so much you don’t know where to start. For example a Text Utility can open Old Files that were created years ago with programs such as Qtext, Einstein and Sapir which in their day were the most popular Hebrew English Word processors. If you own such precious old files then this Text Utility is exactly what you need. It will open and save your file for use in Word and other popular programs such as Davkawriter or Microsoft Word. Another example is if you are Teacher and need to type class materials. Instead of spending hundreds of hours typing – you can simply copy and paste from the large Judaic Library that is included, check listing of Books below. If you are a professional editor or working on a Manuscript where you need to compare large files and move large blocks of text this is what you need – all this and more are easy to accomplish with this special Editor. Review the screen shots below to see all the features of this powerful Hebrew English Text Editor and like a Swiss Army Knife when you need it you’ll be happy to have it – order your copy today.
Features - Hebrew English Text Utility
Conversion Wizard - Easily convert old text files from one format to another.
Works on DOS Files – Sapir – Qtext and Einstein files.
Saves Old Files in new accessible format.
Powerful Super Find - perform sophisticated file changes and processing.
PDA - Easily and efficiently pass files back and forth, to and from your PDA device.
Instantly Compare 2 files within TES Text Utility.
Spell Check – Hebrew English single pass.
Calculator - Full featured calculator with copy paste.
Powerful Hebrew/English sort.
Treat Degushot like regular letters.
Optional Shaim HaShem Protection.
File Manager - The TES Text Utility File Manager has everything you need to maintain and organize files.
Search Texts - Quick, powerful and convenient system of TES Text Utility to Search Texts.
2000 Year Date Conversion - Convert from non-Jewish (Gregorian) dates to Jewish dates and vice versa.
Remove HTML - Deletes most HTML commands from a file, so that you can process just the text.
Removes Shulchanit commands.
Large Classic Hebrew Text Libraby with search and easy copy paste feature – saves time typing.
eMail text and material directly from program.
Berlitz Type Hebrew English Phrase Dictionary
Type Hebrew and English in single document.
Hebrew Text Library & Archive Bible Texts
Trei Asor
Divrei Hayomim
Five Megillot
Bavli Talmud Texts
Rambam Mishnah Torah Texts
Introduction By Rambam
Tosefto Texts
Talmud Yerushalmi Texts
Medroshim Texts
Bereishit Rabbah
Shemot Rabbah
Vayikro Rabbah
Bamidbar Rabbah
Devorim Rabbah
Megillos Rabbah
Medrashim 2
Medrash Tanchuma
Medrash Tehillim
Pesikta De Rav Cahana
Sefer Medrashim
Tana Devei Eliyahu
Yalkut Bereishis
Yalkut Shemot
Yalkut Vayikro
Yalkut Bamidbar
Yalkut Devorim
Yalkut Neviim
Yalkut Neviim 2
Zohar Texts
Ari Texts
Eitz Chaim
Shaar Hakavanot
Eitz HaDaat
Likutei HaShas
Likutei Torah
PriEitz Chaim
Shaarei Kedusha
Shaar HaGilgulim
Shaar HaPesukim
Shaar Maamarei Rashbi
Shaar Maamarei Razal
Taamei Hamitzvot
Maharal Texts
Beer Hagola
Tiferet Yisroel
Netzach Yisroel
Drush AlTorah
Divrei Negidim
Gra Texts
Safra De Tzniasa
Rambam Texts
Moreh Nevuchim
Igeret Teiman
Igeret Kiddush Hashem
Peirush Mishnayot
Igorot and Maamarim
Milos Higoyon
Avrahamon Aggadot
Ibn Tibbonon
Additional Features:
Special editing commands to reverse parentheses and to merge paragraphs.
Special Hebrew Phonetic keyboard based on letter sounds of English (G=ג, M=מ, etc.)
Powerful Super Find - make multiple changes in one pass and save the change rules for re-use
Store list of Favorite files for easy access
Automatically save your work periodically
Read and write Unicode text files
Optional Program Editor mode
Undo/Redo ability
Block fill, block upper case, block lower case (in Hebrew it removes Nikud), Block flip case
Special "Collect All" menu option that automatically copies everything Cut or Copied to a designated file window