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DOWNLOAD - Avner & Brachot - Educational Game


Avner & Brachot - Islands of Blessings
3D Interactive Educational Jewish Adventure Game. An interactive multimedia educational adventure with superb 3D graphics and playing action. Includes 10 fun-filled games and a Computerized Blessings Guide. Great Gift. Your child won't put it down.

AGES: 6-12

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About - Avner & Brachot - Islands of Blessings
Avner & Blessings is an interactive multimedia educational adventure guaranteed to entertain and educate. Start out by meeting the characters who accompany you throughout the adventure on the Blessed Islands. Avner is a brave little boy who is lost and needs your help. You will also meet the wise old owl, who will give timely advice to help through the adventure. Each Island teaches blessings through 3D interactive games that are challenging, enjoyable and educational. The information taught throughout the adventure will be used to help get Avner safely back home. 
Children will be captivated by the true 3D graphics and interactive games. The important material being taught, will easily be mastered and remembered, because to excel on this adventure, the information you are taught, is your ticket to safety, and winning. And here is a very important HINT... Watch out for the SNAKES! 

Features - Avner & Brachot - Islands of Blessings
Great 3D graphics and fun adventure game covers the following topics: Background on why we bless G-d. Blessing on Bread... Blessing over Wine... Blessing Baked Goods (such as cakes and cookies)... Blessing over Fruit... Blessing over Vegetable... Blessing over Drinks (other than wine)... Blessing over Fragrances (such as the smell of a rose)... Each training module contains its own interactive games that help reinforce the material being taught. In addition to the learning modules there are TEN INTERACTIVE games that reinforce all the material being taught. BONUS interactive computerized Brachot Guide (over 200 foods)! 

1: 720553 Hamotzi
2: 961185 Hagefen
3: 048932 Mezonot
4: 618522 Ha'etz
5: 859050 Ha'adama
6: 197431 She'hakol

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Software RequirementWindows 7/8/10/11