
What Did the Prophets Say? Volume 1

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What Did the Prophets Say?
Some might say - that was long ago... But that's a big mistake. The Prophets spoke to us as well as to the people of their time. This book provides a rare and intimate opportunity to understand the message of the Prophets for our times. What the Prophets tell us is relevant and critical to our daily lives. Book covers  Joshua, Judges, Samuel I.   Size 9 x 6  327 Pages   Hard Cover



What Did the Prophets Say? Some might say who cares - that was long ago... But that's a big mistake. The Prophets spoke to us as well as to the people of their time. This book provides a rare and intimate opportunity to understand the message of the Prophets for our times. What the Prophets tell us is relevant and critical to our daily lives. The reader is invited into a series of actual classes that cover the works of the Prophets from Joshua, Judges, Samuel I. This book presents the text and its message in a readable form that is extraordinary in its scope and depth.

What Did the Prophets Say? was authored by Rabbi Dr. P. Rosenzweig, an ordained orthodox rabbi and a practicing clinical psychologist. Rabbi Pinchas Rosenzweig’s book is one from which lovers of Torah can get new wisdom, new ideas, and new moral teachings for the present times. 327 Pages HC

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, Author of Steinsaltz edtions of the Talmud, and many works on Chassidut, and Jewish thought.This is a unique and penetrating retelling of and commentary on the early prophets. Rabbi Dr. Rosenzweig combines an extraordinary range of Jewish knowledge with the keen insight of a psychologist, which he is, and with the equally keen ability to extract the meaning of the prophets and their applicability to each of our lives.

Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, author of Jewish Intelligence, Rebbe, and other works on Jewish Ethics“... illuminating and informative, providing a contemporary reading of the narrative of the Neviim with an emphasis on the ethical teachings and moral lessons that the Navi wished to impart to us...the proper learning of Nach requires the understanding and application of these teachings. The author’s clear explanations provide an important tool for this.”

Rabbi Shimon Krasner Author Nachlas Shimon on Neviim “What Did the Prophets Say” is a magnificent record of lectures on the Early Prophets which convey not only a depth of textual understanding but also life lessons of supreme importance. Dr. Rosenzweig draws from an extraordinarily wide range of Rabbinic sources, as well as his own professional insights into human nature to create a most important work of mussar and personal growth!

Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, Ph.D. President Rabbinical Council of America “The work combines an articulate writing style and a comprehensive presentation of a variety of mifarshim, and a unique ability to translate the lessons of the Neviim into guidance for everyday lives. Extracting appropriate life lessons from Navi is not always easy and your sefer does it with a reverence of past work, creative Chidushim and a positive message that will enhance Klal Yisrael.”
