
Sound of Ethics - The words of the Sages - ON CD

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Sound of Ethics - The words of the Sages
Listen, Learn & Appreciate the Words and Sounds of Ethics.
From as early as the 10th century, for thousands of years, Jews around the world have read and
studied the Tractate of Avot during the Spring & Summer months.

Listen to English Clip - click

Listen to Hebrew Sephardic Clip - click

Listen to Hebrew Ashkenazic Clip - click



About - Sound of Ethics - The words of the Sages

Listen, Learn & Appreciate the Words and Sounds of Ethics.
From as early as the 10th century, for thousands of years, Jews around the world have read and
studied the Tractate of Avot during the Spring & Summer months.

Avot, or as otherwise known as Ethics, primarily deals with lessons from the Talmudic Sages on
how to improve one's interaction between himself and mankind. We all know that self-Improvement,
developing better character traits is not easy, but with Sounds of Ethics you have a tool that will help
broaden your horizons and give you a greater appreciation of mankind.

The Authors words have remained the same and the message is eternal. Sayings such as, "Who is smart?
He who learns from every man," is as relevant today "in the information age" as when it was written
nearly 2,000 years ago.

The CD-ROM contains the entire Tractate of Avot. Each Mishna is read Word by Word and carefully
enunciated in Hebrew and English. This CD-ROM is an ideal tool for becoming familiar with the words of the
Sages and perfect for weekly review of Perkei Avot. Hear the words, listen to the translation and sooner
than you think you will absorb the lessons and character traits that help make this world a better place.

The pronunciation on the CD-ROM is both Sephardic Israeli and Ashkenazic. To further broaden your appreciation
of Avot, you can look at the many excellent companion resources offered by TES.
The Runtime 50 Hours CD-ROM MP3
