
The Mishkan & Its Vessels on USB

Availability: In stock

The Mishkan on USB
The Mishkan Software Project was designed to make a difficult and challenging topic, easy to understand. Each year thousands upon thousands of students study and get tested on the Mishkan and this program will help them.

Perfect for Classroom instruction. Includes Video Instruction on each aspect of the Mishkan's construction. Also has many printable color photos of the Mishkan and Kehllim.


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About - Mishkan & Its Vessels

The Mishkan Software Project was designed to make a difficult and challenging topic, easy to understand. Each year thousands upon thousands of students study and get tested on the Mishkan and this program will help them.

The method of instruction is unique. The user enters a forum where there is a seated audience, a teacher and a large projection screen. The user selects one of the students seated in the forum to pose a question about the Mishkan.

The main projector is activated to answer the specific question, and through 3D graphics and video the question is answered. If more information is needed to further clarify the material the user can click on the teacher at the front of the forum and the teacher gives a more detailed explanation.

The user is also given the ability to look at the vessels from any angle and manipulate it during the video portion of the program. Plus there is a gallery from which all the components of the Mishkan can be viewed up close, and the graphics can be printed in full color.

The Mishkan Software will definetly teach the user in an inspiring way the components of the Mishkans construction and how it was made. It contains over 40 videos and 3D graphics that permit the user to get up close and really comprehend its majesty, and the miracle of its construction.

Features - Mishkan & Its Vessels

  • Study the Mishkan in a 3D Multimedia Classroom...
  • Over 40 Full Color, 3D Videos...
  • Build the Mishkan one step at a time...
  • View the Mishkan from 360 degrees...
  • Understand how the Ark was made...
  • Walk up the Copper Altar & Study its Construction...
  • Learn all about the Copper Laver...
  • Study the Menorah in all its detail...
  • Discover the intricacies of the Showbread...
  • Gallery of 100 Printable 3D Pictures of the Mishkan and its Vessels...
  • Clear, Concise Narrated Explanations on every step of the construction of the Mishkan...

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Software Requirement

Windows 7/8/10/11
