
Megilas Esther - by R' Alpern

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Megilas Esther - by R' Alpern
Join Rav Alpern as he takes you on an AMAZING trip behind the words of the Megillas Esther. So much to know, so much to learn. Every moment you will learn something new. It is truly epic...

Listen to R' Alpern as he explains the Megilla and you will have you a new appreciation of the Miracle and what it meant for the Jews of then and now. R' Alpern covers the Laws of Purim as well as the entire Megilla. All in English - clear and to the point - Pasuk by Pasuk.

On MP3 available as Download or USB

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ABOUT: Join Rav Alpern as he takes you on an AMAZING trip behind the words of the Megillas Esther. So much to know, so much to learn. Every moment you will learn something new. It is truly epic... Listen to R' Alpern as he explains the Megilla and you will have you a new appreciation of the Miracle and what it meant for the Jews of then and now. R' Alpern covers the Laws of Purim as well as the entire Megilla. All in English - clear and to the point - Pasuk by Pasuk. On MP3 available as Download or USB
