
English Yiddish Language Handbook

Availability: In stock
Handy Size - Packed with Words & Phrases - "Ah Metziah"


About - English Yiddish Language Handbook

Whether you are just starting to learn Yiddish, or are seeking a quick refresher, this Gandy Pocket Sized English-Yiddish Handbook, is a great place to start. 

This handy, pocket-sized handbook is divided into two sections. The first section contains a list of words that you are likely to need in your day-to-day life such as hello, goodbye, how much, various pronouns, common adjectives, basic verbs, along with words related to numbers, colors, time, health, the home, days of the week, and much more. This section will give you a basic, general vocabulary along with learning a few simple sentences. The second section is more advanced, covering conversational phrases that will not only increase your vocabulary but which will provide a template that you can use to construct your own sentences. Topics covered in this second section range from 'a visit to the doctor' and various sections on shopping to terms related to quantity, regularity, feelings, real estate, and much more. 

The English-Yiddish Handbook is not a textbook. Rather, it is designed more to be used as a supplementary learning aid along the lines of a ever popular Berlitz type phrase books. Due to its small size, 6" x 4" you can easily slip the book into your pocket or purse, and then pull it out whenever you have a spare minute or two to learn a new word or phrase. The actual vocabulary is organized thematically, so if you are looking to learn your numbers or terms related to nature or a job interview, you will find them all together in one chapter. Scattered throughout the book you'll also find tips and rules for using Yiddish properly. 

The way the book is designed is that you have a list of Yiddish words or phrases down the right-hand side of each page, with the English translation on the left-hand side of the page, as you would find in a typical phrase book. 

The English-Yiddish Handbook is a handy and practical tool for helping you to increase your Yiddish vocabulary. Order your copy today – perfect Gift for Boys entering BMG or other Yeshivos where the Roshei Yeshiva Speak Yiddish. 
