
Master Middos Series - 188 Lectures - MP3

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Master Middos Series - 188 Lectures - MP3
In this valuable set of 6 cd’s, Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman goes through each one of these Midos bringing out lessons through stories of the Torah and from our Gedolim. The complete Collection of 188 Lectures is included.

Subjects Covered

  1. Humility
  2. Respect of Others
  3. Truth & Honesty
  4. Patience & Undertsanding
  5. Giving - In & Overlooking
  6. Kindness


About: Master Middos Series - 188 Lectures - MP3 - In this valuable set of 6 cd’s, Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman goes through each one of these Midos bringing out lessons through stories of the Torah and from our Gedolim. 

Subjects Covered

  1. Humility
  2. Respect of Others
  3. Truth & Honesty
  4. Patience & Undertsanding
  5. Giving - In & Overlooking
  6. Kindness
